Existence of Angels in Islam – Belief in Angels

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Belief in the angels is among the six articles of faith in Islam. Muslims must affirm the existence of angels in Islam. In the Quran, there are various verses about angels. They are from the unseen and are not visible to us. They are not granted free will like humans and jinns. Additionally, they obey all of Allah’s commands, worship Him, and submit to Him without fail.

Angels in Islam are genderless. Do not deify them. They are Allah’s creations and should never be worshipped. Angels are not sinful , as they all submit to Allah and have no choice in the matter.

If you wish to learn more about the importance of angels in Islam, you can study the Quran. Learn the Quran online by clicking here.

Famous Angels In Islam

In Islam, some of the well-known angels include:

  1. Jibreel (Gabriel): The archangel responsible for conveying Allah’s messages to the prophets.
  2. Mikaeel (Michael): In charge of managing rainfall and provisions.
  3. Israfeel: Will blow the trumpet to initiate the Day of Judgment.
  4. Malik: The gatekeeper of Hell.
  5. Munkar and Nakeer: Angels who question the deceased in the grave.
  6. Kiraman Katibeen: The recording angels who document human deeds.
  7. Haroot and Maroot: Angels sent to test humans with knowledge of magic.

These angels play essential roles in Islamic beliefs and teachings.

Their creation

As mentioned in Sahih Muslim, Angels were created from light. Their creation had already taken place prior to that of the humans, considering Allah informed them of His plan to create a vicegerent on earth, as stated in Surah al-Baqarah. Nonetheless, we don’t have any specific information concerning the time of their creation.

The appearance and status

Angels have wings and are majestic and beautiful. There exists variation in their size and status. Indeed, some of them are genuinely massive in terms of their size, such as Gabriel. Gabriel is, in fact, the greatest of the angels in Islam, while the ones who carry Allah’s Throne are among the loftiest. The best of the angels are those of the battle of Badr.

Allah mentioned in SUrah Fatir that He created angels with two, three, or four wings. According to a Hadith in Musnad Ahmad, the Prophet (PBUH) saw Jibreel in his original form. Each of his 600 wings covered the horizon, and jewels, pearls, and rubies fell from his wings. In a Hadith in Sahih Muslim, the Prophet (PBUH) saw Jibreel coming down from heaven, with his immense size filling the area between heaven and earth.

A Hadith in Abu Dawud contains a description of one of the angels who carry Allah’s Throne. The space between his earlobes and shoulders is as much as a 700-year journey. Also, in Sahih Al-Bukhari, Jibreel says that the angels that were at Badr are the best of them.

Attributes of the angels in Islam

Angels don’t eat or drink, as evidenced by Ibrahim’s (AS) interactions with them, which was mentioned in Surah Adh-Dhariyat and Surah Hud. They don’t tire or lose focus in their worship of Allah, as mentioned in Surah Al-Anbiya and Surah Fussilat. Though we don’t know precisely how many angels there are, there’s no doubt that they exist in huge numbers.

There is a Hadith in Sahih Al-Bukhari that informs us that seventy thousand angels visit the Baitul Mamur daily, replaced by a different group of seventy thousand angels every day. In Sahih Muslim, we learn that seventy thousand angels will be pulling the ropes that bring Hell forth.

The names and abilities of angels

We only know the names of some of the angels in Islam, as they are the only names revealed in the Quran and Sunnah. They include Jibreel, Mikaeel, Israfeel, Malik, Munkar, Nakeer, and Haroot and Maroot.

Regarding the abilities that angels possess, Allah bestows them with tremendously powerful capabilities. They are able to assume different forms, such as that of a man, as stated in Surah Maryam. Jibreel used to visit the Prophet (PBUH) in the form of a man and Maryam AS in a man’s form. Furthermore, they can travel at astonishingly quick speeds. In Sahih Muslim, there is a Hadith that tells us how the companions also saw Jibreel in human form as a man in white clothes with black hair.

Duties of Jibreel, Mikaeel, and Israfeel

Gabriel is the archangel whose responsibility was to transmit Allah’s revelation to His Messengers. As stated in Surah At-Takwir, the Quran was brought to the Prophet (PBUH) by Gabriel. Mikaeel is in charge of rain, carrying out Allah’s commands with the assistance of cooperative helpers assigned to him by Allah. He thus sends rain wherever Allah wills. Meanwhile, Israfeel is tasked with blowing the trumpet that will commence on the Day of Judgment. These three are among the foremost of the angels in Islam, given the nature of their tasks. Their duties all pertain to life in some way.

Duties of other angels in Islam

In Surah Az-Zukhruf, we find Malik, the gatekeeper of Hell. Munkar and Nakeer, detailed in a Hadith in Sunan At-Tirmidhi, question the deceased in the grave. Allah in Surah Az-Zukhruf names Kiraman Katibeen, the recording angels who document our deeds. Surah Al-Baqarah informs us that Haroot and Maroot were sent to Babylon to teach magic as a test, with a warning of its consequences. Additionally, the angel of death is popular in Islamic tradition.

Wrapping Up

Angels in Islam are a fascinating and integral part of the faith. They are created from light and exist to carry out divine tasks without free will. While we know some angel names and their roles, there’s much about them that remains a mystery. These celestial beings are powerful, beautiful, and unwavering in their devotion to Allah, serving various functions in the grand design of life.


    Belief in the angels is among the six articles of faith in Islam. Muslims must […]

    May 6, 2020