This world is a precious gift from Allah, given to humans to worship and serve Him. To guide us in this purpose, Allah revealed the sacred Quran. Within this Holy Book, Surah Al-Fatihah stands out as one of the most effective Surahs for success. As you recite the Quran, you may encounter questions that prompt deeper reflection. Exploring these questions and their answers can lead you to a more profound understanding of the Quran’s teachings.
Which Surah is the most powerful Surah in Quaran?
Surah Al Baqrah is the most powerful Surah in the Holy Quran. Baqrah means “the cow”. Surah Al Baqrah is the Surah, which is the second and longest Surah in the Holy Quran. Comprising 286 versus and 6201 words, it is the most influential Surah of the Quran.
The status of the most powerful Surah in the Quran is attributed to Ayat al-Kursi. This verse was revealed in Madinat-ul-Monawira, Saudi Arabia. Additionally, the occasion of its revelation coincided with Hujjat-ul-Wida, when Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was en route to perform his first Hajj.
The revelation of this Surah did not complete in a short time. It took a long time in the revelation.
The subject matter of Sorah Al-Baqrah
Surah Al-Baqrah covers a broad range of subjects relevant to all aspects of life. For example, it recounts the stories of Adam, Musa, and Ibrahim, while providing comprehensive guidance through its verses. Notably, the Surah addresses non-believers and pagans, urging them to reject conspiracies and embrace Islam sincerely.
One of the most significant features of Surah Al-Baqrah is its depiction of the characteristics of those who fear Allah. Firstly, true believers accept the unseen, reflecting Allah’s blessing and the gift of faith. Secondly, they consistently perform prayers. According to Hadith, Salah is what differentiates believers from non-believers and is central to Taqwa. As the Prophet (peace be upon him) stated, “Prayer is the Mi’raj of a believer.” Thirdly, they give generously from what Allah has provided, through Sadqah and Zakat. This generosity not only fosters closeness to Allah but also brings additional blessings.
During the Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) time in Makkah, believers faced opposition from polytheists. Even after the migration to Madinah, conspiracies continued. Consequently, Surah Al-Baqrah offers clear guidance on how to avoid such plots and fully embrace Islam.
Moreover, this Surah tackles the issue of “Nifaq” (hypocrisy), condemns gambling, and prohibits alcoholic products, thereby establishing crucial boundaries for Islamic conduct.
Ayat al-Kursi is one of the most revered and powerful verses in the Quran, often referred to as the “Throne Verse.”
Various Hadith highlight that Ayat al-Kursi offers both spiritual and physical protection. It is frequently recited, especially before embarking on a journey or going to bed at night. When recited in the morning and evening, it safeguards a person from threats, including the jinn and the malice of others.
In summary, Surah Al-Baqrah holds a prominent status as one of the most important Surahs in the Quran. It is highly esteemed, following closely behind Surah Al-Fatih, which is also a significant chapter of the Quran.
Which Surah is for success?
Surah Al-Fath is the Surah for success in life.
Surah Al Fath comprises of 29 Ayah. The place of revelation of Surah-Al-fatih is Madina. It revealed after the famous treaty of Hudabiah.
In this Surah, Muslims got clear news of triumph. The treaty of Hudabiah signed between believers and Mushrakeen Makah. Almost after a year, Muslims got captured Makkah. Makkah’s capture was the apparent result of the violation of the Hudabiah treaty.
Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “Surah which reveled on me tonight, was the dearest one more than the world with sun-shining.”
Abdullah bin Mughaffal said,” I saw the prophet of Allah reciting Surah Al Fath over the back of his camel on Capturing Makkah.
Virtues of Surah Al-Fatih
Imam Bukhari narrates that once, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was traveling with Umar bin Khattab, who asked him a question three times without receiving a response. Umar, feeling distressed, thought he had angered the Prophet. Later, the Prophet revealed that a Surah, dearer to him than the entire world, had been sent down that night. This Hadith highlights the significance of Surah Al-Fath as the Prophet’s favorite Surah.
Reciting Surah Al-Fath offers two key benefits:
- The reciter gains rewards equal to those who were with the Prophet during the “Bai’ah ash-Shajara” and the conquest of Makkah.
- Mehmet Nazim Adil-al-Haqqani advised that those responsible for an area should regularly recite Surah Al-Fath, as it strengthens Iman and provides refuge from worldly challenges.
Additionally, reciting Surah Al-Fath on specific days brings further benefits:
- Reciting it for three consecutive days at the start of Ramadan alleviates the strain of fasting.
- Reciting it on the first night of Ramadan ensures Allah’s protection for the entire year.
The recitation of Surah Al Fath brings success and eternal peace.
Which Surah is the mother of the Quran?
The mother of the Quran is the opening Surah of the holy book. The first chapter of the Quran is Surah Al Fatih. It is a necessary part of Salah. The Slalah is not complete without recitation of this Surah. It is a kind of preface of the Quran.
It has several names. For example,
- The mother of the Quran
- Sab’a Al Mathani
- Al Hamd. It consists of praise of Allah Almighty.
- Al-Shifa. According to Hadith, Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “ Surah Al fath is the cure for Poison.”
- Al-asas. It is the foundation of the holy Quran.
The revelation place of Surah is Makkah. Some other says it reveals in Madina. Surah Al fatha is the synthesis of the Quran.
In a Hadith, Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “if one offers prayers and does not recite the Ummul Quran, his Salah is not complete. “
Benefits of reciting Surah Al Fath
The greatest surah of Quran
One of the greatest Surah of the Quran is the Surah Al Fathia.
Narrated by Ahmed Bin Hanbal, said bin Al-Mualla said, “Once I was offering prayer. Prophet Muhammad SAW called me, could not reply due to offering prayer. I went to him upon completion of prayer, He said to me why you were not coming when I called you. I replied to him that I was offering prayer. He said to me that I would teach you some ayah? When he was about to leave the mosque, I reminded him about the Ayah. Then, he made me learn and said it is the seven ayahs and the most beautiful and glorious Quran.”
Use for the cure of disease
The great scholar Imam Bukhari recorded in his book said Al Kudri said he was on a journey with some of his friends. In this journey, he sent a man to cure the chief of the unknown tribe on the request of a girl. The chief of the tribe was affected by the poison of the scorpion. He cured the poison with reciting Surah Al-Fathia.
Which Surah is the heart of the Quran?
The heart of the Quran is Surah Yaseen. The holy prophet Muhammad SAW said,’ that everyone has heart; the heart of the Quran is the Surah Yaseen.”
Surah Yaseen consists of 86 verses and was revealed in Madinah. This Surah affirms the Quran as the divine source of guidance. It serves as a warning to those who mock God’s revelations and exhibit stubbornness. By recounting the punishment of past peoples, it aims to caution the present generation against similar defiance.
Benefits of Surah Yaseen
Help to meet the needs
In the book of Sunan Al Darimi, a hadith narrated by the writer, Prophet Muhammad SAW said,” If one reads Surah Yaseen in the morning, Allah will help to fulfill the need for that person in the whole day.”
Forgiving Sins
In another Hadith, which recorded by Ibn Hibban, Darimi, Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “ One who reads Surah Yaseen in the night, Allah would remove all the sins related to him.
Bringing ease in the time of death
Sanan abi Dawood narrated that Prophet Muhammad SAW said,” People who are dying, recite Surah Yaseen for them.”