The Various Prophecies in the Quran

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Allah revealed the Holy Quran to the Prophet (PBUH) as a book for all of mankind, until the end of times. However, some people make the mistake of thinking that the Quran only contains guidance. Indeed, the Quran contains a narration of the direction mankind should take. However, it also covers many other aspects, such as stories of the Prophets. There are also various prophecies in the Quran.

The Quran contains specific prophecies that were fulfilled during the lifetime of the Prophet (PBUH). But that’s not all. There are also several prophecies that are more long term in nature.

Prophecies in the Quran contain news about a future event that Allah foretells. The fulfillment of prophecies can be a means for a Prophet’s acceptance among his people. In the older days, prophecies were one of the most effective ways of impressing people. It was impossible to correctly predict what would happen in the future, except if one had some divine source of knowledge. Hence, Allah utilized them in the Quran.

In Surah Al An’am, Allah instructs the Prophet (PBUH) to declare that he doesn’t know the unseen. It’s important to note that Prophecies came via Allah’s knowledge. The Prophet (PBUH) was simply the one who conveyed them by transmitting the Quran.

The defeat of the Persians at the hands of Rome

In Surah Ar Rum, Allah mentions that the Romans will triumph within 3-9 years. These verses contain the prophecy of the victory of the Romans (Byzantines) and also a victory for the believers.

During the era of the Prophet (PBUH), there were two major superpowers in the region. Firstly, there were the Romans who were mostly Christians. Then, there were the Persians who were Zoroastrians. The revelation of these verses informed the believers that the Romans had been defeated in a nearby land. This was a period of great success for the Persians, as the Persian Empire expanded.

The verse foretold the eventual success of the Romans as they sought to fight back against the Persians. The Quranic verse stated that the Romans would win within a period of three to nine years. With the Roman Empire weakening and the Persian Empire becoming stronger, that didn’t seem likely at the time. However, the Romans did indeed fight back within the next few years, eventually defeating the Persians.

The verse that refers to the believers rejoicing in the victory of Allah refers to the Battle of Badr, which also took place within a few years. There, the Muslims faced the disbelievers in the first of many clashes and convincingly defeated them, by Allah’s will.

The prophecy of the defeat of the disbelievers at Badr

In Surah Al Qamar, Allah states that the Muslims will defeat the disbelievers and they will end up fleeing. He revealed these verses during the days where the Muslims were struggling against the disbelievers. Allah warned them of defeat and punishment in the future.

The prophecy was fulfilled when the Muslims moved to Madinah and gained in strength. Eventually, the Muslims faced the disbelievers in the Battle of Badr. Despite being vastly outnumbered, Allah helped the Muslims and enabled their victory over evil.

Prophecies in the Quran: Islam will prevail

In Surah At Tawbah, Allah mentions that He sent the Prophet (PBUH) with Islam to establish it over all religions. This verse, which Allah revealed in multiple Surahs of the Quran, reiterates that the Muslims will prevail.

During the lifetime of the Prophet (PBUH), the Muslims began to deal some crucial blows to the disbelievers in the surrounding areas. However, this prophecy truly came to fruition during the era of the Caliphs. Abu Bakr and ‘Umar (r.a.) led the Muslim state as they succeeded in spreading Islam to many neighboring areas. In the process, the Muslim caliphate defeated the Roman and Persian empires.

Believers will be elevated to positions of authority

In Surah An Nur, as described by Ibn Kathir, there’s a verse containing a promise from Allah. He promised that Muslims would become leaders and rulers, and people will submit to their rule. During the Prophet (PBUH)’s lifetime, most of the Arabian peninsula was conquered. Following that, Abu Bakr and Umar (r.a.) expanded the Muslim state’s borders, to places which the Muslims would never have imagined ruling in their early years.

Walid ibn al Mughirah and Abu Lahab

In Surah Al Muddaththir, there are a number of verses condemning a disbeliever’s arrogance and persistence in denying the truth of Islam. Allah will drive him into the hellfire. Allah revealed these verses about the chief of the Bani Makhzum clan of the Quraish, Walid ibn al-Mughirah.

The disbelievers, especially their leaders, were obstinate in their opposition to Islam. Indeed, they tortured and persecuted Muslims. Walid ibn al Mughirah died without accepting Islam, and will indeed have to face Allah on the Last Day.

In Surah Al Masad, Allah warns that Abu Lahab’s wealth will do him no good, and he will burn in the Hellfire. Abu Lahab was one of the Prophet (PBUH)’s uncles. He opposed the Muslims with every fabric of his being, and thus, Allah condemned him in the Quran. He also eventually died in a state far away from Islam.

The prophecy of the conquest of Makkah

In Surah Al Fath, there is a prophecy regarding a conquest. This prophecy informed the Muslims about them conquering Makkah in the future. At this point, the Muslims had defeated the non Muslims. But, they were firm in their opposition to Allah and His messenger. They were staunch in defense of their lands. However, Allah’s plan prevailed over all else in a few years.

The Muslims eventually entered Makkah, entirely peacefully. They were met with little opposition, as the Quraish and other tribes had lost their power and influence. The Prophet (PBUH) entered the city where the non Muslims initially persecuted the small group of Muslims. But, he proved his title of “A mercy for all of creation,” as the disbelievers were mostly forgiven.

Prophecies about the Quran

In Surah Al Hijr, Allah said that He will be the One to guard the Quran. This is one of the most important prophecies in the Quran as Allah pledged to protect the Quran. The Quran is the most unique book in the world today. It is easily the oldest book in existence that is as original today as it was over 1400 years ago.

Besides some minor differences that exist in the written versions Quran due to the different dialects it was revealed in, the Quran is completely unchanged. No copy of the Quran has been obtained that opposes the current version of the Holy Book.

Hence, Allah has protected the Quran, as he promised, and this is the reason why we can read and recite the original Holy Book today.

In Surah Al Qamar, Allah tells us that He has made the Quran easy to remember. This is another crucial prophecy that we see fulfilled in all parts of the Muslim world today. Millions of Muslims have the Quran memorized from cover to cover, letter to letter. This process has been taking place since the completion of the revelation of the Holy Quran.

Nowadays, children start memorizing the Quran at a young age. They often start at just 4-5 years of age and complete the memorization of the Quran in a few years. Allah’s promise to make His Word easy to memorize has indeed come to fruition. This was also one of Allah’s ways of preserving the Quran; another promise that He has fulfilled through making the Holy Book easy to memorize for Muslims.

If you want to learn how to memorize the Quran online, click here.


In conclusion, the Quran contains prophecies that span from the immediate future of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to the enduring triumph of Islam. These prophecies served as divine guidance, proof of the Quran’s authenticity, and a testament to Allah’s omniscience. As history unfolded, these prophecies were fulfilled, reaffirming the Quran’s status as a timeless and unaltered revelation.


    Allah revealed the Holy Quran to the Prophet (PBUH) as a book for all of […]

    July 27, 2020