How to Offer Salah For Men

What is Salah? And Why Do We Pray?
What is Salah? And Why Do We Pray?
January 16, 2020
Quran a Unique Miracle - Miracles of the Quran
The Quran a Unique Miracle – Miracles of the Quran
January 21, 2020

We all know that Salah is one of the five pillars of Islam. Being other the shahadah, paying zakat, fasting in the month of Ramadan, and performing Hajj. In fact, Salah is the second most important pillar of Islam after Shahadah. There are a number of things that have to be explained about Salah. These things are as follows: How to offer Salah? How to offer Salah for men? How does a man or a woman offer prayer? Is there any difference between Namaz for men and Namaz for women? What are the preconditions of Salah? In the following, we are going to explain the last question, which is about the preconditions of Salah for men. The rest of the questions will be explained in other posts.  

How to offer Namaz for Men

Preconditions of Salah

There are a number of preconditions of Salah that are essential for the validity of Salah. In the following, the preconditions of the Salah are being explained.


One of the preconditions of the validity of Salah is cleanliness from impurities. This cleanliness is necessary for three things that are as follow:

  1. Cleanliness of the place: It is necessary that Salah must be performed in a place that is clean. Unlike other religions, Muslims are allowed to perform Salah anywhere on the Earth and they are not necessarily bound to perform the Salah inside the Masjid, but the place of Salah must be clean.
  2. Cleanliness of body: It is necessary for the validity of Salah that the body of the person must be clean from all kinds of impurities.
  3. Cleanliness of Cloths: Like the body and the place a person is under an obligation to wear clean clothes for performing prayers.


  1. Another precondition of the validity of the Salah is that the person must have Wudu before beginning with the performance of the Salah.

Facing the Right Direction of Qibla:

The third precondition of performing Salah is that the person must face the direction of Qibla. The Qibla for prayer is Baitullah in Masjid al-Haram in Makka. If a person is unaware of the direction of the Qibla he should ask someone who knows the Qibla direction. But if a person is unaware of the direction and he does not have any other person to ask about the direction of the Qibla, in that situation he is supposed to think and face the direction that is more probably the direction of Qibla according to his own understanding.

Covering Aurat:

It is a precondition for the validity of the prayer to cover the private part during the Salah. For a man the private parts that are to be covered necessarily are from the belly button to the knees. However, the decorum of Salah requires a person to wear decent clothes. However, if a person covers only the private parts, his prayer will be valid.

Salah for Men

Praying Salah for men at the proper time: Salat Time

  1. Praying at the Proper Time: The other precondition of the validity of the prayer is that the prayer should be performed at the proper time specified for the particular prayer. For instance, the Fajr prayer must be performed before sunrise and the Zohr prayer must be performed after Zawal and before the shadow of anything exceeds the size of the material or the shadow becomes double of the thing. The Asr prayer must be performed before sunset and the Maghrib prayer must be performed before the time of Isha begins. If a person does not perform a particular Salah within the specified time, he is deemed to have missed the Salah, and if he performs after the expiry of the time, he is deemed to do Qaza.
  2. Intention: The last precondition of the validity of the prayer is to have the intention of offering specific kind of Salah. Since the Intention is the act of heart, there is no need to pronounce the intention verbally. In the intention the person is supposed to intend the time of the prayer and the type of the prayer that whether he is going to perform Farz, Sunnah or Nafl Salah.

Importance of praying at the proper time:

Praying at the proper time is important for a number of reasons. First, it is a way to show obedience to Allah. Allah has commanded us to pray at specific times, and by doing so, we are showing Him that we are willing to obey His commands. Second, praying at the proper time is a way to connect with Allah. When we pray, we are able to focus our attention on Him and to communicate with Him through our words and actions. Third, praying at the proper time is a way to build discipline and to teach children the importance of punctuality. When we pray on time, we are teaching ourselves to be organized and to manage our time effectively. We are also teaching our children the importance of being on time for important appointments.

What to do if you miss a prayer:

If you miss a prayer, you should make it up as soon as possible. If you are unable to make it up on the same day, you should make it up on the next day. There is no specific time of day when you must make up a missed prayer. However, it is best to make it up as soon as possible after you have missed it.

Types of intention:

There are three types of intention:

  • Farz: This is the intention to perform a mandatory prayer.
  • Sunnah: This is the intention to perform a recommended prayer.
  • Nafl: This is the intention to perform a voluntary prayer.

It is important to have the correct intention when praying, as this will affect the reward that you receive from Allah. For example, if you intend to pray a Sunnah prayer, but you forget to say your intention, then you will not receive the reward for praying a Sunnah prayer.

Benefits of praying at the proper time and having intention:

There are many benefits to praying at the proper time and having intention. Some of these benefits include:

  • Improved concentration and focus: When we pray at the proper time, we are able to focus our attention on Allah and communicate with Him without distractions. This can help to improve our concentration and focus in other areas of our lives as well.
  • More meaningful prayers: When we have intention when we pray, our prayers become more meaningful. We are able to focus on the purpose of our prayer and to connect with Allah on a deeper level.
  • Increased rewards from Allah: Allah rewards us for praying at the proper time and for having intention. When we make an effort to pray at the proper time and to have the correct intention, we are showing Allah that we are sincere in our worship. This can lead to increased rewards from Allah in the afterlife.

Wrapping Up

Praying on time and having the right intention are very important for Salah. It shows our obedience to Allah and helps us connect with Him. Praying as soon as it’s time and with the right intention makes our prayers more meaningful and brings more rewards from Allah.


    We all know that Salah is one of the five pillars of Islam. Being other […]

    January 20, 2020