Duas (Supplications) for Sleeping and Waking Up

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Islam is a beautiful and beneficial way of life that every Muslim should strive their utmost to adopt. The life of the Prophet (PBUH), has been intricately and authentically documented in books of Seerah (Biography) and Prophetic hadith (Traditions). Amongst the things covered is the etiquette of sleeping and waking.

Furthermore, everything the Messenger of Allah said, decided, or approved of was in perfect harmony with the Noble Quran. Ayesha (R.A), his scholarly wife, confirmed this when asked about his conduct. She said that the Prophet’s (PBUH) conduct was entirely in line with the Quran (Sahih Muslim).

The Quran has repeatedly testified to the exemplary character of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), including in Surah Al Qalam. Allah’s command is the Quran, and the Prophetic Sunnah is a fulfillment of the command.

Every Muslim should cherish the fact that the Prophetic Sunnah has been carefully preserved for almost 1500 years. The way in which Muhammed (PBUH) conducted all his daily affairs has been recorded for his Ummah to follow. From the greatest of acts like performing Salah, to the most mundane like entering and exiting the bathroom. A believer who strives to emulate the Prophet in his conduct and religiosity as is required of him, has all he needs.

One of the most pertinent Sunnah that features in our daily lives is that of sleeping and waking up. The Prophetic way to sleep and awaken is endowed with meaningful supplication (Dua) and Dhikr. When a Muslim adheres to the Sunnah methodology of sleeping and waking, he undeniably earns Allah’s protection and pleasure. To be sure, this applies even while sleeping.

Some Etiquettes of Going to Bed

It is recommended to sleep with wudu (ablution), as the Prophet (PBUH) said in a Hadith in Sahih Al Bukhari. We should also switch off lights, lock doors, and cover utensils, food, and drink (according to a hadith in Sahih al Bukhari).

In Sahih al Bukhari, the Prophet (PBUH) tells us that a Muslim should dust the bed (three times, using the edge of one’s garment) when he intends to sleep and say:

Bis mika Rabbi Wa da`tu janbi, wa bika arfa ‘hu. In am sakta nafsi fagh fir laha, wa in arsal taha fah fazha bima tah faz bihi ‘ibad akas salihin. (Saying that one is lying down on his side in Allah’s name. And asking Him to have mercy on one’s soul if Allah takes it. He also asks Allah to preserve his soul, if he doesn’t die, in the way that that those of righteous men are preserved by Allah).

Sahih Duas (Supplications) for Sleeping and Dhikr (Remembrance)

#1. Surah Al Ikhlas and Al Muawwidhatayn: Surah for peaceful sleep

In Sahih Al Bukhari, Ayesha (RA) mentions that the Prophet (PBUH) would cup his hands together every night when going to bed. He would recite Surah Al Ikhlas and Al Muawwidhatayn (Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas) thrice. He would wipe his hands over his body as much as possible.

#2. Ayat al Kursi

There is a Hadith in Sahih Al Bukhari, where we learn that the recital of Ayat Al Kursi when heading to bed will ensure Allah’s protection. As a result, it keeps devils away from the person until the morning.

#3. The Last Two Verses of Surah al Baqarah

According to a Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari and Muslim, reciting the last two verses of Surah Al-Baqarah every night will suffice the reciter.

#4. Recite “Subhan Allah” thirty three times, “alhamdulillah” thirty three times, and “Allahu akbar” thirty four times

Therefore, in Sahih Al Bukhari, we learn that we should say Subhaan Allah (33 times), Al-hamduLillah (33 times), and Allahu Akbar (34 times) when we are going to bed.

#5. Dua Before sleeping (Sleeping dua in Arabic)

In Sahih Bukhari, it is mentioned that when the Prophet (PBUH) was going to sleep, he would say: Allah umma bismika ahyaa wa amoot. This is an effective dua for sleep. The meaning of the sleeping dua is that one affirms that one lives and dies in Allah’s name.

Sahih Duas for Waking Up and Dhikr (Remembrance)

#1. Dua For Waking up

“Al hamdu lilla hil lathee ah yana baAA da ma ama tana wa ilay hin nushoor” (Directing all praise to Allah for giving life after taking it and affirming that unto Allah is the resurrection).

#2. Dua For Waking Up

In Sahih Al Bukhari, the Prophet (PBUH) said that one who wakes up at night and says the following dua will be forgiven.

La ila ha illal lahu wah dahu la sharee ka lah, lahul mulku wala hul hamd, wa huwa AAala kulli shay in qadeer, subhan Allah, wal hamdu lillah, wala ilaha illal lah wallahu akbar, wala hawla wala quw wata illa billahil AAaliyyil AAatheem. Rabbigh fir lee (Declaring that Allah is the only One possessing the right to be worshipped, without any partner, and that sovereignty and praise are His, and He has absolute capability over everything. Then one glorifies Allah’s perfection and affirms that all praise is for Him and that He alone deserves worship. Allah is the greatest and all power and might belong to him, The Most High, The Supreme, then one asks Allah for forgiveness). If he makes Wudu and prays Salah, Allah will accept his Salah.

#3. Supplication For Waking Up

Al hamdu lilla hil lathee Aafa nee fee ja sadee wa radda Aalayya roohee wa athina lee bi dhik rih. (Stating that all praise is for Allah. He is the one who restores health returns the soul, and enables one to remember Him).

Wrapping up

Embracing the Prophetic Sunnah in our daily routines, such as in the way we sleep and wake, is a source of spiritual fulfillment. The etiquettes of sleeping and waking, backed by supplications and Dhikr, not only grant us Allah’s protection but also connect us to a rich tradition preserved for centuries. Following these Sunnah practices ensures a meaningful and blessed life.


    Islam is a beautiful and beneficial way of life that every Muslim should strive their […]

    May 6, 2020