The Virtues of the Last Two Verses of Surah Al-Baqarah

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Surah Al-Baqarah, when translated from Arabic, means “The Cow”. Revealed in Madinah, it is the second chapter of the Noble Quran. It also happens to the longest chapter in the Quran and contains 286 verses. The last two verses of Surah al-Baqarah are rich in meaning and highly virtuous. The final two verses predominantly focus on religious obligations, and man’s relationship with the Creator.

These last two verses of Surah al-Baqarah (Surah al-Baqarah 285-286) begin by stating that the Prophet (PBUH) and the believers have believed in Allah’s revelation. Then, Allah mentions a number of the articles of faith (Belief in Allah, His angels, books, and messengers), and that we don’t differentiate between the messengers. Also, Allah mentions hearing and obeying Allah, seeking His forgiveness, and the fact that the final destination is to Him. Allah stated that He doesn’t burden anyone beyond what they can handle, and each soul will be rewarded and punished based on its good and bad deeds.

The believers than call on Allah to not assign blame to them for forgetfulness or erring and ask him to not burden them like those who preceded them were burdened. They also ask Allah not to burden them beyond their capacity, and grant them forgiveness and mercy. Finally, they ask Allah, who is their protector, to grant them victory over the disbelievers.

The benefits of the last two verses of Surah al-Baqarah

In Sahih Muslim, we find that two lights were given to the Prophet (PBUH), which had not been given to any Prophet prior to him. They are Surah al-Fatihah and the finishing Ayat of Surah al-Baqarah.

As stated in this authentic Hadith, the last 2 Ayat of Surah Baqarah have tremendous benefits. Indeed, Allah granted them an incredibly high status alongside Surah Al-Fatihah, one of the most honored Surahs. These two portions of the Holy Quran were described as “two lights” exclusively bestowed upon Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The Hadith mentioned that lights of this caliber had not been granted to any other prophet. This is a strong indication of the esteemed standing of the last two verses of Al-Baqarah. Furthermore, recitation of them is deemed to guarantee that we receive the blessings within them.

As we discover in Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim, another of the benefits of reading Surah Al-Baqarah daily is that reciting it at night protects one from evil. Thus, there exists ample authentic proof of the virtues of reciting the last two ayat of Surah Al-Baqarah.

Belief in the articles of faith in the last two verses of Surah al-Baqarah

The first of the last two verses of Al-Baqarah starts by affirming the fact that the Prophet (PBUH), along with the rest of the Muslims, believes in the Quranic revelation. After that, Allah mentions Muslims’ belief in Allah, His angels, His books, and His messengers, without differentiation.

The belief in Allah entails the affirmation of His oneness as well as His sovereignty and omnipotence. He is the only deity worthy of worship, without any associates, who sustains the universe without needing assistance. Our belief in the angels is related to our faith, as it is from the matters of the unseen.

We believe in His revelations. They are the Word of Allah and were revealed by God to His Messengers, whom we also have faith in. Our belief in Allah’s Messengers is comprehensive and free of any bias. Hence, Muslims believe in and honor all the Messengers without exception, who were all sent with the same fundamental teachings of pure monotheism.

Submission, repentance, and belief in the Day of Judgment

Hearing and obeying refers to our acting upon our faith by submitting to our Lord. We obey Allah and submit to His commands. Our submission keeps in our minds that we are answerable to Allah for all our actions.

We turn to God in sincere repentance, for the one who submits always seeks the Most Merciful’s forgiveness. We pursue Allah’s pleasure and want Him to forgive our errors. In addition, Muslims recognize the certainty of the Hereafter, which is also among the articles of faith. Believers accept that they will all one day be standing before Allah, and He will hold them responsible for their actions. This encourages believers to maintain a high degree of piety in all their actions.

Allah burdens no soul beyond what it can bear

The final of the last two verses of Surah Al-Baqarah commences with Allah showering His Mercy upon the believers. At the time of this revelation, the early Muslims feared that they could face chastisement simply for their thoughts. Allah reassured the believers that he would not burden them beyond their capacity. Accordingly, they would not be held accountable for mere evil thoughts. Indeed, Allah has a generous, merciful approach with regard to our thoughts and deeds.

In Sahih Muslim, we learn that Allah said that when His slave plans to do good but doesn’t follow through with it, He writes one good act for the slave, while if he carries out the act, Allah writes between 10 and 700 good deeds for him. Meanwhile, when one plans to do something evil but doesn’t carry it out, it’s not recorded. However, if he does perform the act, only one sin is written for him.

Who would know the capacity of His creation better than the perfect Creator of all that exists? Consequently, Muslims need not fear being tasked with something beyond their capability. We should maintain our faith in Allah’s Wisdom in all situations and never fall into despair.

Allah emphasized that one earns reward or punishment solely based on one’s actions. Allah rewards righteous deeds and punishes evil ones, while He holds nobody responsible for the actions of another. Allah’s Justice is perfect, and each individual shall get what he earns, purely by virtue of his own actions.

Allah teaches believers how to make Dua for His Mercy in the last two verses of Surah al-Baqarah

We are all fallible, flawed, and in need of Allah’s Mercy and Pardon. We accept this fact and repent to Allah for our wrongdoings, while striving to please Him with our actions. Humans seek Allah’s forgiveness for our absent-mindedness and the mistakes we inevitably make. We ask Allah not to burden us as heavily as the Jews and Christians before us, and grant us ease in our religion. We request Allah not to task us with what we cannot bear.

Muslims appeal to Allah to pardon us and show us mercy. We are all, without exception, in need of Allah’s Mercy. No human being is worthy of entering Paradise based solely on one’s deeds, not even our beloved Prophet (PBUH). Consequently, nobody can enter Jannah (Heaven) without the blessing and favor of Allah’s Mercy.

According to a Hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari, nobody’s good deeds can take them to Heaven, not even the Prophet (PBUH). Rather, it is through Allah’s favor and mercy that one enters Paradise. Hence, one should exercise moderation in his deeds and perform what he is capable of doing, and nobody should want to die, as one may perform more good deeds if he is righteous, or one may repent if he is a sinner.

Allah is our Protector and the only One who bestows victory

Allah is our Protector, and He alone has the power to assist us in every situation. He possesses infinite power, and we ought to turn to Him alone for our Protection and needs. The final verse concludes with an appeal to Allah to grant us victory over the disbelievers. Certainly, we can only depend on Him for our successes. Therefore, we should strive determinedly in the path of Allah with sincerity, conviction, and complete faith in Him.

As a result of all these benefits, it is a highly recommended sunnah to recite the last two ayat of Surah Baqarah before sleeping.

Learn and Memorize the Quran Online

If you want to learn the last two ayat of Surah al-Baqarah, you can enroll in online Quran classes. Learning the Quran online is one of the most popular ways of gaining Quranic knowledge nowadays. Many online Quran academies provide Quran learning serves, and QuranForKids is one of them. You can learn any aspect of the Quran here whether you are a complete beginner and newbie or whether you’re trying to better understand the Quran through its translation and Tafseer.

Taking online Quran classes is very beneficial for students in comparison to studying via other methods. You have the convenience of learning from your own home without having to go to any place and spending time and money on travel. All you need is a computer or smart device, and you can start learning the Quran on Skype. This is also a very flexible method of learning because you can choose what suits you, how many days per week, length of lessons, etc. Learn the Quran at your own pace and benefit from online Quran classes.

Among the many things you can achieve at an online Quran academy is Quran memorization and translation. You can memorize essential parts of the Quran, such as the last two verses of Surah al-Baqarah. Alternatively, you can enroll in Quran memorization classes to learn the whole Quran completely. On the other hand, if you already know the last two verses and you simply want to understand their meanings, our Quran translation and tafseer services will come in handy for you.

Just register, and you can start learning the Quran straight away! All new students get a completely free one-week trial to alleviate all of your concerns.

Wrapping Up

In summary, the last two verses of Surah al-Baqarah are a treasure trove of wisdom and guidance. They underscore the importance of faith, submission, and reliance on Allah’s mercy. Reciting these verses regularly carries numerous benefits, and they remind us that Allah’s expectations are fair and in line with our capabilities. They serve as a source of comfort, hope, and spiritual growth for believers.


    Surah Al-Baqarah, when translated from Arabic, means “The Cow”. Revealed in Madinah, it is the […]

    May 24, 2020