How to Protect Yourself from the Coronavirus

Shab e Meraj in the Light of Surah al Isra - Waqia e Meraj
Shab e Meraj in the Light of Surah al Isra – Waqia e Meraj
March 19, 2020
Lessons and explanations from Sūrat Al-Mulk
Lessons and explanations from Sūrat Al-Mulk
March 24, 2020

Coronaviruses (COV) is one of the hot topics nowadays since its outbreak in Wuhan, a Chinese province. It is a family of viruses that becomes the origin of different diseases, for example, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-COV) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-COV).
Covid-19 is the disease, which spreads from these viruses. These viruses easily transfer from humans to the animal. The common symptoms of Covid-19 are cough, fever, breathing difficulties, and shortness of breath. The specialist recommends less social contact, covering the mouth and hygiene of hands. They also recommend staying in homes and self-isolation. Covid-19 is spreading fast in the whole world.

Coronavirus Symptoms

Several symptoms have been reported concerning coronavirus patients. In the severe attack of Coronavirus, these symptoms get worse.

It takes 2 to 14 days after to appear. These symptoms are as follows.

  • Breath difficulty
  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose
How to Protect Yourself from the Coronavirus

In severe cases of coronavirus disease, kidney failures, and heavy breath difficulty are have been reported because it harms respiratory systems with full power. In old or child cases, the weak immune system adds in its severity. Therefore, the quarantine period for a person is almost 14 days.
The question arises in our mind that how to protect ourselves from Coronavirus. Being Zoonotic, these viruses are easily transferable. Therefore, care is fully exercised to prevent Covid-19.
There are some easy steps to be taken to prevent the Covid-19 from victimising the people.

Regularly wash your hands

It is one of the best pieces of advice to prevent disease Covid-19. We should wash our hands, particularly in this condition, even in common days, for example, after using toilets, after throwing waste or garbage, after touching an animal and after coming from hospitals. Now, Specialists recommend washing your hands, particularly with sanitizers repeatedly concerning prevention the Covid-19.
These are the steps you should follow while washing your hands.
Firstly, you should clean your hands from the clean and running water.
Secondly, apply the best and fine sanitizers to your hands and rub your hands with each other thoroughly.
Keeps rubs your hands with half arms constantly 20 seconds. Try to let the sanitizers work under the nails well.
Lastly, wash the sanitizer from your hand as well with clean water.

Social Distancing

Keeping social distance is another piece of advice that specialists give us to prevent the Covid-19 from victimizing us. Common places of social gathering are markets, bus stops, railway stations, parks, educational institutions, offices, and most other places where people gather commonly. Now a day, since the outbreak of Covid-19, we are witnessing special holidays to obstruct the social gathering in every country. Different European governments have issued instruction working from home. Social media giants Facebook and Twitter have issued the order to their employees to work from home. All this is doing to prevent social gatherings.
Self-isolation is the most reasonable example of this kind.

Don’t touch excessively to your mouth, nose, and eyes

Coronaviruses are easily transferable from animals to humans. It reaches the human body in different ways, not only by the hands. After research, specialists have advised not to touch excessively to your mouth, nose, and eyes. Even the experts advise not to shake hands with others.
These viruses do not enter your body, not only by respiratory systems; it can get in your body by your eyes as well. Therefore, there is a need to remain careful.

Others Practices

China is the first country that reported Covid-19 disease the first time in December 2019. The experts from all over the world recommend some other practices during the fast spread of Covid-19.

  • Cover your face well with an N-95 face mask.
  • In case of fever, flow, and difficulty facing in the respiratory system, get checked your body by the doctor as well.
  • You cannot only quarantine in the hospitals, but you can also self-isolate yourself from the other members of your family in your own house.
  • Don’t shake hands with the people because it spreads rapidly by hands more than any other parts of the body.
  • Do not move outside of your house, unnecessarily.

Strictly follow the guidelines given by the health department
It is being noticed that the people, particularly in the third world countries, are not following the instructions given by the health department of the respective government. Worldwide reputed institutions of the world have raised serious concerns over the failure of the government, not making the citizens abide by instructions. The reality is that covid-19 is spreading across the world fast. Thousands of victims of Covid-19 are being diagnosed daily. The health departments of these respective governments are issuing direction daily. But the people are not following these properly.

Boosting the Immune system

The role of the immune system in this disease is as necessary as in every condition. In the reported cases of Coronavirus, it has been observed that the patients of old ages victimized by the disease more than any patients of any other age did. It was due to the weak immune system. Therefore, there is a need to boost the immune system. A balanced diet, fresh air, and adequate sunlight are necessary to increase the power of immune systems. Deep sleep is also necessary to work in favor of boosting the immune system.

Work Online

It becomes easy for you to work from home if you are doing a job that is accessible from home. In this manner, you can have protection from the Corona Virus. So, your employer needs to set an online meeting and assign the job online. Once you started working from home, you will also help your mentality rather than making yourself lazy. Apart from this, Corona Virus has failed many systems just in fear, so it becomes necessary for you to follow China, whose most of the employees are working from home as well as resumed offices.
Therefore, it is up to us how we can help out ourselves and our near people to protect this deadly novel Coronavirus. So, we have to follow the rules strictly, which can assist us in preventing health issues due to Coronavirus.


    Coronaviruses (COV) is one of the hot topics nowadays since its outbreak in Wuhan, a […]

    March 23, 2020