Secrets of Surah Yaseen

Month of Shaban – The month of prophet Muhammad (SAW)
March 28, 2020
Favourite Surah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
March 30, 2020

Surah Yaseen is the heart of the holy book of the Quran. In a Hadith, Prophet Muhammad SAW said,” in everything, there is one heart; Surah Yasin is the heart of the holy book of Quran.”

It consists of 83 verses. It is the Surah, which revealed in Makkah.

One of the 99 names of the Prophet Muhammad SAW is Yaseen. In Hadith, Prophet Muhammad SAW said,” Almighty Allah has given me seven names in the holy book of Quran. He counted the names, Yaseen, Muhammad, Ahmed, Abdullah, Al-Mudahtir, and Al-Muzzamil.”

Surah Yaseen has different benefits, particularly in our daily life.

Secrets of Surah Yasin

Surah Yasin is the most revered chapters of the holy book of the Quran.

The heart of the Quran

Prophet Muhammad SAW said

“There is a heart in everything; the heart of the Quran is Surah Yasin.”

The heart is an essential part of the human body. It does the work of great importance. This likeness shows the great importance of Surah Yasin as we know that every latter of the Quran have ten rewards for the Muslims. Keeping in view, we can easily assume how much benefit Surah Yaseen would have as the heart of the Quran.

Forgiveness of Sins

Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “ One who recites Surah Yasin in the whole night merely seeking Allah’s will, Allah Almighty would remove all his sins. “

The Muslim, either woman or man, makes mistakes in his entire life. Even knowing about past mistakes, he or she makes other mistakes. We are fortunate enough that Allah Almighty is seeing the way and waiting for us when they would pray to me, and I would forgive all their sins. But sincerity is the sole condition. Surah Yaseen is the best Surah of the Quran, which gives us a guarantee of our sins to be forgiven. The reciter must believe in the grace of Allah. Allah will bestow us with his blessings.

The promise of a big reward

In Tirmidhi, Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “Whoever recites Surah Yasin, Allah gives him the benefit of reading the holy book of Quran.”

In this Hadith, the hint of the big reward is definite. Giving the benefit equally, the reciting of the complete Quran means this Surah is equal to the Quran. It is the status that Surah Yaseen has. We should memorize Surah Yasin to recite many times a day whenever we have free time.

Ease in the process of death

Surah Yasin brings comfort during death. Prophet Muhammad SAW said,” if one is dying, you should recite Surah Yasin for him.”

It is an indisputable fact that the Holy Quran gives us guidance in all matters of life. It saves us from the fire of hell. Collectively, it is the combination of the success of the world and Akhirah. It gives relief to the departing soul and makes their last journey easy.   

Meeting the needs

Ata bin Abi Ribbah reported, Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “One who recites Surah Yaseen in the morning, Allah Almighty will be responsible for fulfilling all his needs.”

The life of the man is like the war, particularly regarding meeting the different needs. We find a lot of persons losing this war. Today, the world is a dangerous place for those people who lose this war. In these conditions, if Almighty Allah is responsible for our needs, what the good will be more than that?

We should say thanks to Allah that he offers us to be responsible for our needs.

Surah Yaseen 41 times for Hajat

Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “Whoever recites Surah Yasin at the time of the morning, Allah Almighty will take the responsibility to fulfill his needs.”

We face different types of needs in our whole life. Sometimes these needs fulfilled so easily, but sometimes, it is hard for us to meet the requirements. It is the process of life. We should not lose heart. We should continue our struggle to meet the needs of the legal means. Must keep hope on Almighty Allah that he will address our problems.

Some Islamic scholars say that reciting Surah Yasin for 41 times will be beneficial for Hajat. According to these scholars, we receive the help of Allah in our different matters.

Reading Surah Yaseen 7 times

Some scholars say that reciting Surah Yasin 7 times each night after the prayer of Aisha assists us to clear the debt on our part. In business and different fields, we need a lot of money more than we have. We need to borrow this money from someone. Later, unfortunately, if we meet with an accident and we cannot be able to pay our debt.

Scholars suggest we should take help from Surah Yaseen. Reciting Surah Yasin each night seven times will turn the days of our life. Inshallah, we will accomplish all our responsibility with the help of God.

The benefit of Surah Yaseen for Marriage

It is an admitted fact that Surah Yasin is beneficial to get the help of Allah in marital problems. This Surah helps us to solve the different sorts of daily issues.

For example, if you are having concerns about the marriage or on your partners. This Surah will help you to facilitate the test on your partner. Surah Yasin will surely help you to find the nature of your to-be wife. By this way, it will help you to get the clarity of mind. Resultantly, after finding the best partner, you will initiate the new phase of life. It is the best Surah for marriage problems, which has been using for a long time. Admittedly, it will be the cause of the grace of Allah in your life.


Overall, the holy book of the Quran assists us in solving many problems in our daily life. Surely, we should take the help of this precious book. Nothing is necessary to solve our problem if this beloved book is present between us. May Allah make us enable to get benefits from this book.


    Surah Yaseen is the heart of the holy book of the Quran. In a Hadith, […]

    March 30, 2020