The Fajr prayer is from amongst the five daily prayers that represent the 2nd pillar of Islam, Salah. According to hadith found in Sahih Bukhari and Muslim, the performance of the Fajr (Dawn) prayer alongside Asr, can positively impact a Muslim’s Afterlife. The hadith refers to them as the prayers of the ‘cooler’ time. When offered on time, it is promised that the Fajr and Asr salahs can save one from Hell-fire. Amongst the benefits of Fajr is that it can also become our ticket to Paradise (Jannah).
It is quite logical for Fajr prayer to have a significant influence on our final outcome since it requires extra effort. When the time for Fajr approaches, most of us are comfortably tucked into our beds. A Muslim has to overcome two opponents, Shaytan, and their sleep to come out victorious. Thus, the greater the challenge, the greater the reward. This makes a case for a discussion on the benefits of Fajr prayer, in the eyes of the Quran and Sunnah.
To know about the benefits and virtues of the five daily prayers, consider reading our dedicated article on the topic.
The benefits of Fajr namaz (Fajr ki namaz ke fayde)
A special prayer for barakah
The Prophet (PBUH) made dua for his ummah, according to Sunan ibn Majah, asking Allah to bless the Ummah in the early morning activities they do.
The reason why innumerable benefits of Fajr (Subh) prayer have been reported is mainly owing to its timing. A devout Muslim who has prayed Fajr deserves all the countless bounties of Allah that lie in store for him, that particular day.
To start the day with an act of obedience can bring nothing but productivity and success in all endeavors. Ample Quranic verses and Hadith about Fajr confirm this.
The two units of Sunnah prayer
In Sahih Muslim, Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said that the two Rakats of Fajr are superior to this world and all that is in it. This is concerning the two ever-precious Rakats of Sunnah that precede the two obligatory ones. Man’s entire existence revolves around how to acquire all the treasures of this world.
In light of the hadith, only a fool would squander away the merits of performing a mere two units of prayer. Moreover, if this is the value and worth of the Sunnah Rakats, then what of those that are obligatory?
The guarantee of Allah’s protection
In a hadith reported in Muslim, Rasul’Allah (PBUH) states that one who prays Fajr gets Allah’s protection, so people should not be lacking as far as Allah’s rights are concerned, otherwise Allah will take them and toss them on their faces into the Hellfire. This is one of the major benefits of Fajr prayer.
Glad-tidings are always accompanied by warnings, especially when someone fails to fulfill Allah’s rights. The assurance of protection, cannot be granted to an obedient and disobedient slave of Allah, equally. That would indeed be a grave injustice!
It is one thing to not awaken for Fajr despite one’s best efforts, and another, to not try at all. The hadith above clarifies that praying Fajr is not an option, but an obligation we owe to our Creator. A dire warning is ultimately given to the one who is neglectful of his foremost duties.
Angels witness Quranic recitation at Fajr
Allah says in Surah al-Isra to establish Salah and the Quranic recitation of Fajr after the sun declines to the night’s dusk. Fajr’s recitation is witnessed. Thus, there are special benefits of reading Quran at Fajr.
According to Sunan ibn Majah, the Prophet (PBUH) shed more light on the verse with the elucidation that the recitation is seen by angels. Thus, having the noble angels as witnesses to our Fajr prayer is unquestionably an unparalleled honor.
Another hadith reveals that the angels mentioned above then proceed to the Almighty, to report their findings. They vouch for having witnessed firsthand, the early morning worship of every reverent slave.
Don’t be swayed by the glitter and glamour of life
Allah cautions His righteous slaves in Surah Al-Kahf to remain patient by staying among people who call upon Allah in the morning and the evening, striving for His countenance. He tells us not to seek the adornments of the Dunya (worldly life) and not to obey those whose hearts He has made unmindful of His remembrance, who chase their lusts and their deeds are lost.
These words of encouragement and caution are a depiction of Allah’s care and concern for the law-abiding believers. They contain a call to patience and steadfastness, come what may.
This verse addresses those who remember Allah during their Fajr and Asr salah, for they are the ones who hope to see Allah’s Face in the Hereafter. They are asked not to fall prey to life’s deceptions that are a lure for the heedless.
The Fajr prayer timings
Fajr prayer is also known as the ‘Subh’ prayer. It begins when the ‘true dawn’ commences and remains until sunrise. In Sahih Muslim, the Prophet (PBUH) said that Fajr time is from the start of pre-dawn until before the commencement of sunrise. When sunrise begins, one is to stop praying, as the sun rises between Satan’s two horns.
The significance of knowing the timings and duration for each individual prayer is critical. The prayer of one who prays before or after the prayer’s allotted time is rendered invalid. The Fajr prayer time is no different, and it follows the same rules.
This makes the knowing of Fajr prayer time today, as indispensable as it was when the prayer was first prescribed.
How to pray Salat-al-Fajr and gain benefits of Fajr
The call to prayer (Adhan) for Fajr, varies from the other adhans called out for the other four salahs. It includes an appropriate addition that twice informs us that prayer is superior to sleep.
The Fajr prayer itself consists of two units of Sunnah and two units of Fard (obligatory). Every Muslim must know how to perform salah according to Prophetic methodology.
The Sunnah rakats of Fajr enjoy a unique status. No other Sunnah prayer is depicted as being better than the world and all it contains. They are offered like any two regular units of prayer.
The Sunnah Rakats are meant to be brief. Surah Kafirun is recited in the first Rakat and Surah Ikhlas in the second. It is a Sunnah to lie down on one’s right side for a little while after the completion of the two Rakats.
The two Fard Rakats are prolonged more than any other prayer. Our beloved Prophet (PBUH), was accustomed to reciting sixty to a hundred verses in Fajr prayer. During the Fard Rakats of Fajr, the Quran is to be recited aloud.
Duas and Dhikr after Fajr Salah
After the completion of the Fajr prayer, the following duas and dhikr can be recited:
Astaghfirullah (seeking Allah’s forgiveness) thrice.
Allahumma anta al-salam wa minka al-salam tabarakta ya dhal-jalali wa’l-ikram (Praising Allah as the One Who has no shortcomings and faults, and from Him is all Peace. He is blessed and the Possessor of majesty and honor).
La ilaha ill Allah wah dahu la shareeka lah. lahu’l mulk wa lahu’l hamd. yuhyi wa yumeet wa huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in qadeer. (Affirming that Allah is the only God, who has no partner. To Him belongs the Dominion and He is praised. He’s the Giver and Taker of life, Whose Power is all-encompassing) ten times.
Subhan Allah wa’l hamdu Lillah wa Allahu akbar 33 times, and to complete one, say: La ilaha ill Allah. wah dahu la shareeka lah. lahu’l mulk wa lahu’l hamd. wa huwa ‘ala kulli shayin qadeer. (Declaring that Allah is the only God, without any associates. The sovereignty belongs to Him and praise is to Him. He has the ability to do all things).
Ayat-al-Kursi (once)
Surah Ikhlas, Surah Falaq and Surah Naas (three times each).
Wrapping Up
The Fajr prayer, performed in the early morning, holds special blessings. It’s not just a duty; it’s a means to seek Allah’s protection, witness by angels, and start the day with Barakah (blessings). Its two Sunnah rakats are invaluable, and the Fard rakats are recited aloud. After Fajr, we engage in supplications, seeking forgiveness and remembering Allah’s greatness.