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Search results for: “Verses To Be Recited Before Sleeping”

  • Importance and benefits of reciting  Ayat ul Kursi

    Importance and benefits of reciting Ayat ul Kursi

    Ayat al-Kursi is the 255th verse of Surah al-Baqarah, the longest surah of the Quran. Many people consider this to be the best verse in the Quran, and a Hadith indicates that as well. The Prophet (PBUH) asked a companion, Abu Mundhir, about which verse is the greatest in the Quran. The companion started reciting…

  • Lessons and explanations from Sūrat Al-Mulk

    Lessons and explanations from Sūrat Al-Mulk

    Summary of Surah Mulk Surah Mulk is the surah which was revealed in Mecca. The meaning of this surah is sovereignty. It is the 67th chapter of the Holy Quran. It has 30 verses, which are divided into two sections. It is a very important Surah in the Holy Quran, like other verses.Surah Al-Mulk discusses…

  • Benefits of Surah al-Baqarah (The Cow) – Reciting and benefits

    Benefits of Surah al-Baqarah (The Cow) – Reciting and benefits

    Surah al-Baqarah, the second surah in the Holy Quran, is the longest surah of the Holy Book, containing 286 verses. Allah begins the surah with a strong statement, saying that the Quran is the Book regarding which there is no uncertainty, which guides the God-conscious people. This is an emphatic statement regarding the importance and authenticity…

  • 4 Quls Importance and Reciting Benefits, 4 Qul (Char Qul)

    4 Quls Importance and Reciting 4 Qurls (Char Qul) As Muslims, we believe that Quran as a whole is the book of ultimate guidance for the entire human race. Thus, the whole of Quran should be recited and practiced upon. Having said that, there are a number of portions in the Holy Quran that have…

  • Fast Ways to Memorize the Quran for Kids

    Fast Ways to Memorize the Quran for Kids

    Are you looking for quick and efficient ways to help your kids memorize the Quran? We understand that as a busy parent, you may be short on time. That’s why we have compiled some effective methods that have been successful for many people. These techniques require less repetition and time while helping your child create…